Warner School Enrollment Information
General Enrollment Information/Forms
Warner School is a JK-12 Public School located in NE corner of South Dakota. Our enrollment is usually around 312 students. Warner has class caps of the following:
Junior Kindergarten: 8 students
Kindergarten-2nd Grade: 22 students
3rd Grade-5th Grade: 24 students
6th Grade-8th Grade: 26 students
9th Grade-12th Grade: 28 students
If you do not live in our school district, you can fill out a South Dakota Open Enrollment form and submit it to: Angie.Vetter@k12.sd.us or Pam.Lane@k12.sd.us. Please see our policy on open enrollment here.
Enrolling your Junior Kindergarten or Kindergarten student information
If you live in our district, watch for screening dates for your 3 year old and 5 year old.
We screen 3 year olds in the fall and 5 year olds in the spring.
Contact Mrs. Lane if you have a child(ren) at home and live in our district. She will need your child(s) name and birthdate.
Contact Mrs Lane if you have a child(ren) at home and already have students in our district that are open enrolled.
Junior Kindergarten is all day, everyday and is not considered preschool. In order to register for JK or K, your student needs to be 5 on or before September 1st of the year they start school. JK works great for students with late birthdays or students that struggle academically and/or socially.
Open Enrollment Information: Junior Kindergarten/Kindergarten
Warner School will start to accept South Dakota Open Enrollment forms for students entering JK or K at midnight on January 1st in the year that the student will start school.
Forms can be emailed to: Angie.Vetter@k12.sd.us or Pam.Lane@k12.sd.us starting at midnight.
Any forms received before midnight will not be accepted.
Superintendent of the Warner School will approve/deny open enrollment forms in April of each year.
Please see our Open Enrollment Policy above for more information on how forms are approved/denied.
Students approved will be invited to Kindergarten Round Up in May.