Good luck to the Warner Monarch Football team as they host the Redfield Pheasants tonight at 7:00 in the Warner Homecoming Football game. Prior to the Varsity game, the Junior High will play at 5:00. If you are unable to make it to BankNorth/Dial-A-Move Field tonight, the games will be livestreamed at Ryan Martin of Hub City Radio will also be on the call on KSDN 930 AM and 102.1 FM with a livestream also available at Ted Price of KQKD will also be here broadcasting. The Homecoming Parade will also begin at 1:30 PM today. Thank you for all of your support this week. Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!
5 months ago, Tyler Severson
Please join us tonight in the Warner Arena and Welke Gym as the Warner Monarch Volleyball program hosts the Wolverines of Herreid-Selby. In the Welke Gym, the 7th Grade will play at 5:15 and be followed by the 8th grade game. In the Warner Arena, the C Team will play at 5:15, JV at 6:30, and then be followed by the Varsity Game. If you are unable to make it tonight, the games in the Warner Arena will be livestreamed at Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!
5 months ago, Tyler Severson
Warner PTCO would like to recognize Cassidy Fipps and Abby Cooper for their awesome design of the 2024 Homecoming shirts! Great work ladies!!
5 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
Good luck to the Marching Monarchs as they head to Aberdeen today to march in the Roncalli Marching Band Festival. The event will be livestreamed at if you are unable to make it. The middle school marching band will be on the livestream around 9:50, with the high school band being on the livestream around 11:00. The marching parade will take place on 15th Avenue from Main Street to Dakota Street. Good luck, and GO MARCHING MONARCHS!!!!
5 months ago, Tyler Severson
It was in the previous post on the Volleyball match for tonight, but we will be BURNING THE W after the home volleyball match tonight with Aberdeen Roncalli.
5 months ago, Tyler Severson
Good luck to the Warner Monarch Volleyball Teams as they host the Lady Cavaliers of Aberdeen Roncalli. This will be the first or two home volleyball matches this homecoming week. After the Volleyball matches tonight, we will be BURNING THE W!!!! The schedule for the night is below: Welke Gym 7th - 5:15 8th - to follow Warner Arena C - 5:15 JV - 6:30 Varsity - to follow If you cannot make it, the games in the Warner Arena will be livestreamed at Tonight will be the first night of the Monarchs Who Care sponsored Monarch Closet. See the attached poster for details! Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!
5 months ago, Tyler Severson
monarch closet
Congrats to our Homecoming Court and to our 2024 Homecoming King and Queen, Payton Volk and Kyleigh Schopp!
5 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
Homecoming Court
King and Queen
Please join us tonight for the 2024 Warner Homecoming Coronation in the Welke Gym at 7:00. Candidates for royalty include Drew Bakeberg, Preston Cavalier, Zach Evans, Payton Volk for the King, and Stacia Carda, Jordyn Jensen, Kyleigh Schopp, and Libby Scepaniak for the Queen. We will no longer be burning the W tonight due to being in a Red Flag Warning. We will look at burning the W later this week after one of the Home Volleyball Matches. Happy Homecoming Week! GO MONARCHS!!!!
5 months ago, Tyler Severson
Happy Homecoming Week Monday Morning Monarch--Vol 1, Tr 6 Congrats to everyone involved in helping our staff and students be recognized as a National Blue Ribbon High School.
5 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
REMINDER: Pink Out will be held at the volleyball game on Monday, October 7th. Support the cause…order your Pink Out shirt!! Orders must be placed by TOMORROW - Monday, September 30th at NOON! Please use the link below to order:
5 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
It will be a busy day for a lot of Warner Monarchs! Our Cross Country Program will be in Grand Forks participating in the Third Annual Battle of the Border! This event featuers runners from three states and Manitoba. Last year over 2000 runners participated in the event. The event will be livestreamed at Knox TV on Youtube. The race schedule is below: 11:00 AM - Boys 6th/7th Grade Race 11:20 AM - Girls 7th Grade Race 11:40 AM - Boys 8th Grade Race 12:00 PM - Girls 8th Grade Race 1:00 PM - Varsity A Boys Race 1:30 PM - Varsity AA Boys Race 2:00 PM - Varsity A Girls Race 2:30 PM - Varsity AA Girls Race The Warner Monarch Varsity Girls Volleyball Program will he in Sioux Falls playing in the Sanford Pentagon Invitational Volleyball Tournament. The Monarchs will be in the Blue Bracket, and will have Unity Christian and Dakota Valley in their pool. At 8:00 AM the Monarchs will play Unity Christian on Court 4. At 10:30 the Monarchs will play Dakota Valley. After that, pool play will begin. Livestream is available at for a cost of $7.95. The Warner Monarch Junior High Volleyball Program will be playing in a Junior High Volleyball Tournament at Aberdeen Roncalli. Schedule for the day is below: 9:20 AM - Warner 7th vs. Milbank 7th 10:10 AM - Warner 8th vs. Milbank 8th 11:00 AM - Warner 7th vs. Aberdeen Christian 11:50 AM - Warner 8th vs. Aberdeen Roncalli 8th 12:40 PM - Warner 7th vs. Aberdeen Roncalli 7th & Warner 8th vs. Mobridge 8th 2:20 PM - Warner 7th vs. Mobridge 7th Livestream for the tournament will be available at Have a great weekend everyone! Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!
5 months ago, Tyler Severson
Weekly Update for next week! Happy Homecoming Week!
5 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
Weekly Update
This is just a reminder that dogs are not to be on the inside of the fence on the track and football field.
5 months ago, Tyler Severson
Good luck to the Warner Monarch Football Team as they head to Mellette to take on the Northwestern Wildcats in a Lake Region Conference Matchup. It will be the 21st Annual Cross County Bowl. Kickoff is set for 7:00 PM. Dakota Broadcasting will be covering the game tonight, with livestream available at Junior High will also play today at 4:30. Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!
5 months ago, Tyler Severson
Conference Links: Elementary: MS/HS : https://
5 months ago, Mr. Johnson
Good luck today to the Warner Monarch Marching Band as they head to Arlington to march in the East Central Marching Festival. The Monarch Marching Band will step on at 11:45 today. Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!
5 months ago, Tyler Severson
Good luck to the Warner Monarch Volleyball Program as they head to Groton today to take on the Tigers! Game times are as follows: Old Gym - 7th Grade 5:00 8th Grade 6:00 Arena - C 5:00 JV 6:00 Varsity 7:15 If you are unable to make it tonight, there is a livestream link available at or NFHS (must pay to watch) Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!
5 months ago, Tyler Severson
Warner High School has proudly been recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School for 2024, a testament to its commitment to academic excellence. Emphasizing a traditional approach to education, the school focuses on fundamental subjects that lay a strong foundation for student learning. This dedication is supported by a team of experienced educators who maintain high expectations for every student, fostering an environment where achievement is both encouraged and celebrated. As U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona noted, the National Blue Ribbon Schools Award highlights schools that excel in academic performance or make significant strides in closing achievement gaps among diverse student groups. Warner High School exemplifies these traits, showcasing effective teaching methods and robust professional development for its staff. This recognition not only celebrates the exceptional achievements of its students and educators but also positions Warner High School as a model of effective and innovative practices within the broader educational landscape. With this honor, the school joins a distinguished group that serves as a beacon of inspiration for communities and educators nationwide. Our staff will be recognized at a ceremony in Washington, DC in November. For more information on this recognition, please see the following link: Congratulations to our High School Staff, Students, and the Warner Community!
5 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
NBRS Announcement
Here's this week's Monday Morning Monarch Report, Volume 1-Track 5 --Make sure you watch all the through for a special announcement
5 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
Good luck to the Warner Monarch JV Football Team as they host the battlers of Potter County today at 5:00. If you are unable to make it tonight, the game will be livestreamed at Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!
5 months ago, Tyler Severson