Kindergarten screenings will be held on Friday, March 3, 2023. Please call the school to schedule a screening time for your 5 year-old child (or will be 5 on or before September 1, 2023). Also, if you have not listed your child on our future kindergarten list, please call the school with that information. Contact Mrs. Lane at 605-225-6194. Thanks!!
about 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Congratulations to Head Volleyball Coach Kari Jung, who was named the South Dakota High School Coaches Assocation Volleyball Coach of the Year for South Dakota.
about 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Good luck to the JH Boys Basketball team as they head to Ipswich today to take on the Tigers. The 6th Grade will play at 5:30, 7th at 6:30, and 8th at 7:30. The games will also be broadcasted at the Ipswich Public School Activities Youtube page. Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!
about 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
We have Saturday afternoon basketball action today as the Monarchs head to Waverly to take on the Waverly-South Shore Coyotes. The games begin at 1:00 with JV girls, and will be followed by JV Boys, Varsity Girls, and Varsity Boys. The JV games will be livestreamed at and the Varsity games at (You will need an NFHS Network subscription to be able to view). Have a great Saturday! Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!
about 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Congratulations to the student of the week award winners!!! Way to go!
about 2 years ago, Mr. Johnson
students with awards
Weekly Update for next week!
about 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Good luck to the Warner-Northwestern Wild Monarchs as they will host a Quad with Britton-Hecla, Ipswich/Bowdle, and Potter County. This Quad will be hosted in Mellette at Northwestern High School. The Quad will begin at 5:00. If you are unable to make it, the event will be livestreamed on the NFHS network, search Northwestern High School. Good luck, and GO WILD MONARCHS!!!!
about 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Parent-Teacher Conferences are two weeks away on Feb 16th! JK-5th grade students will NOT have school and 6th-12th grades will have a 12:30 release. More information can be found in the "News" section of the school website and the daily announcements. Parents can schedule elementary conferences at: MS/HS parents can schedule conferences at: We look forward to rich conversations and a continued partnership in your child's education.
about 2 years ago, Mr. Johnson
Good luck to the Warner Monarch Boys and Girls Basketball Teams as they head to Leola to take on the Leola-Frederick Titans. Games will begin at 4:00 with the Girls JV, and be followed by the Boys JV, Girls Varsity, and Boys Varsity. If you are unable to make it, the games will be livestreamed at Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!
about 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Join us tonight in the Warner Arena as we host the Lake Region Conference Wrestling Meet. The Meet will begin at 6:00 and will feature your Warner-Northwestern Wild Monarchs, the Faulkton Trojans, and Ipswich/Bowdle Tigers. It will also be Parents Night for the Wrestling Program. If you are unable to join us, the meet will be livestreamed at Thank you to all our Wreslters and their families. Good luck, and GO WILD MONARCHS!!!!
about 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Have you ever thought of being on the school board? We will have one position open July 1st that is a 3 year position. The Warner School Board meets the second Monday of every month (including summer) and usually has a few special meetings as well. In order to run, you need to reside in the Warner School District. If you are interested, please see the attached on some information on how to circulate a petition. Petitions can start to circulate on March 1st. Please see Mrs. Vetter if you have any questions!!
about 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Please join us tonight in the Warner Arena for Basketball Parents Night. Prior to girls and boys games, we will recognize the seniors in each of those programs. It will be double header action tonight as we welcome the Trojans of Faulkton. The first game is set to begin at 4:00 with JV Girls. From there it will be a rolling schedule with JV Boys to follow, and then Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys. If you are unable to make it, the games will be livestreamed on Unable to watch but have access to a radio? The game will be broadcasted on Fox Sports 1420 AM. Thank you to the Seniors and players in our programs for the time and effort you put in. Huge thank you to the parents as well for all that you do, and support you give. Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!
about 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
On Monday February 20th, we will be having a community performance for our One-Act Play, "Appropriate Audience Behavior." The play will be held in the old gym at 7:00 PM.
about 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Due to low numbers today in the 6th Grade for our opponent, there will be no 6th Grade game tonight with North Central. The 7th Grade will still play at 6:00, and 8th Grade at 7:00 tonight in Roscoe vs. North Central.
about 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Due to a lack of available teams and participants, the Shoemaker Showdown Middle School Wrestling Meet will be canceled this year. There will be no JH Wrestling at Webster tonight.
about 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Good luck to the Warner Monarch girls and boys basketball teams as they head to Onida today to take on the Chargers of Sully Buttes. Girls JV will tipoff at 12:00, and will be followed by Boys JV, Girls Varsity, and Boys Varsity It will be a rolling schedule after the Girls JV. If you are unable to make it, the game will be livestreamed on Youtube, just search Sully Buttes High School Livestream to find the channel. Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!
about 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Good luck to the Warner-Northwestern Wild Monarchs as they head to Groton to participate in the Groton Area Wrestling Tournament. The meet will begin at 10:00 at the Groton High School. Livestream Link: Youtube - search Webster Bearcats Live Good luck, and GO WILD-MONARCHS!!!!
about 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Good luck to the Warner Monarch boys and girls basketball teams as they take on the Mustangs of Waubay-Summit. Girls JV will tipoff at 4:00, and will be followed by Boys JV, Girls Varsity, and Boys Varsity. As always, if you are unable to make it the game will be livestreamed at The Varsity games will be broadcasted on Sunny 97.7 Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!
about 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Congratulations to the Student of the Week award winners!
about 2 years ago, Mr. Johnson
students with awards
Weekly Update 1-30-23
about 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5