Your Warner Monarchs are heading to the Dome! We will play Gregory in the 9A Championship at 7:00 PM. School will dismiss at 12:30 PM on Thursday to allow everyone time to make the trip for those who want to attend. There will be no school on Friday Nov. 11th due to how late the game will get over on Thursday night. Tickets will be $15.00 for adults, and $10.00 for students. All tickets will be general admission. Tickets will go on sale today at 8:00 AM today online at . There will be a service charge of $3.00 for all online ticket orders. Tickets can also be purchased through the ticket office on Monday morning starting at 9:00am by calling 605-677-5959. Once again, all tickets will be general admission.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
We are reordering football playoff shirts!! Due to the short turnaround time, you will need to order by 11:30 AM, Monday, November 7th. Get yours ordered on time! NO extras will be ordered. THESE ARE THE SAME SHIRTS THAT WE USED FOR PLAYOFFS.
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Congratulations to this weeks Student of the Week award winners!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Johnson
students with awards
1 step closer...all the early morning workouts, long road trips to tourneys, blood, sweat, and tears were worth it! Warner will continue our volleyball journey as we play Viborg/Hurley in the SoDak 16 on Tuesday, November 8th at 7:00 p.m. at the Watertown Civic Arena. Ticket prices are $6 for adults and $4 for students. GO BIG BLUE!!!!
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Tonight at 7:00 PM your Warner Monarchs take on the Harding County/Bison Ranchers in the South Dakota 9A Semifinals with a trip to the Dakota Dome on the line. Dress warm and join us! If you are unable to join us, the game will be livestreamed at Have a great Friday, and GO MONARCHS
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Please join us tonight in the Warner Arena as your Warner Monarchs take on the Leola-Frederick Titans in Region 1B Volleyball action with a spot in the SoDak 16 on the line. This will be the final volleyball match in Warner for the season. The match is scheduled to start at 5:30. Prices are set by the SDHSAA with adult tickets being $6.00 and students $4.00. If you are unable to join us, the game will be livestreamed at GO MONARCHS!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
First and 2nd graders who read 5 points or more in the month of October had an ice cream party on Wednesday. The kids did an awesome job of reading.
over 2 years ago, Marilyn Bender
party 2
party 2
party 2
This week the children in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade who read 8 pts or more in the month of October were rewarded with an ice cream party. Great job of reading.
over 2 years ago, Marilyn Bender
party 2
Soup Supper - Friday, November 4th!
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Good luck to the Oral Interp. team as they participate today in Aberdeen at the District Oral Interp. contest. Go Monarchs!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
We will see you at the Warner Arena one more time this Volleyball season! Your Warner Monarchs will host the Leola-Frederick Titans tomorrow at 5:30 with the winner advancing to the SoDak 16. Tickets are set by the SDHSAA: Adults $6.00 and Students $4.00.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
1st Quarter Honor Roll Congratulations to these students!
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Honor Roll
Post season volleyball is coming to Warner! Join us tonight at 5:30 as your Warner Monarchs will host the Aberdeen Christian Knights in Region 1B Volleyball Action. Ticket prices are set by the SDHSAA and are as follows: Adults $6.00/ Students $4.00. No passes are accepted for post season play. If you are unable to join us, the game will be livestreamed at GO MONARCHS!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Congratulations to this week’s Student of the Week award winners!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Johnson
students with awards
The Boys of Fall will continue their trek to Vermillion! Warner will take on Harding County/Bison on Friday, November 4th at 7:00 p.m. at the Warner Athletic Complex. We will livestream the game at and Hub City Radio will also be here to call the game and livestream as well as Dakota Broadcasting. The Road to the DOME continues to go through WARNER! #gomonarchs
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
The District Oral Interp Contest will be held Wednesday, November 2nd at the ARCC in Aberdeen **please note venue change.** Please see attached schedule for when our Warner students will be performing!
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Weekly Update for next week!
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Come join us tonight as your Warner Monarchs host the Canistota Hawks in the Quarterfinals of the South Dakota 9A football playoffs. Kickoff is set for 7:00 pm. Ticket prices are set by the SDHSAA and are as follows: $7.00 Adults/$5.00 for students. Warner Activity Passes and LRC passes will not work. If you are unable to make it, the game will be livestreamed on Two radiostations will also be broadcasting the game as well: 105.5 FM and 1420 AM. GO MONARCHS!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
A warm thank you to our friends at BankNorth who generously donated some mittens to help keep our elementary kiddos toasty this winter. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Johnson
adults holding mittens
The Fourth graders were busy studying the Northeast Native Americans. During their study, they created Native American villages complete with longhouses and wigwams. If you look carefully, you will see the Native Americans hunting, drying skins, and farming.
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
4th grade 1
4th grade 2
4th grade 3
4th grade 4