Here are the August and September Calendars as well as the School Year Calendar

Warner Cross Country Fans & Athletes…get your new Cross Country gear!! Support your favorite runner in style! Use the link below to order. Orders are due at NOON on August 19th!! Order Now!

Community Open House for the Warner Athletic Complex!
Saturday, August 13th from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
The Warner football team will have their typical pre-game practice at 6, which the public will be able to watch followed by a time for the public to access the field. Annual Watermelon feed will follow in the parking lot.

Get your Warner Football Clothing!! You are gonna want some new gear to wear to the new field!! Orders can be made at the link below and the school will pick up and disburse. Orders will be taken until noon on Wednesday, August 10th. Don’t miss out!!
Here is the link to the INKSOFT store: https://stores.inksoft.com/monarch_football_2022/shop/home

Opening for the 2022-2023 School Year:
Elementary Paraprofessional
Please contact: Mr. Kroll at 605-225-6397 ext. 201

Get your Warner Football Clothing!! You are gonna want some new gear to wear to the new field!! Orders can be made at the link below and the school will pick up and disburse. Orders will be taken until noon on Wednesday, August 10th. Don’t miss out!!
Here is the link to the INKSOFT store:

Concussion testing MAKE-UP day Thursday, July 28th starting at 8:00 a.m.! Please enter through DOOR #16 as lobby is being waxed. Testing will take place in Room 116.

Concussion Testing tomorrow (Wednesday) for girls 6th-12th grade starting at 8:00 a.m.! This will be held in Room 116. PLEASE ENTER THROUGH DOOR #16- as lobby is being waxed so front doors will be closed.

Congrats to Bobbie Deuter who is an Affiliate Educator Award Honorable Mention through NCWIT!! She will be honored at the 2022 Aspirations in Computing (AiC) Educator Award Event, which brings together the National and Affiliate recipients of the 2022 NCWIT AiC Educator Award to celebrate their phenomenal work in encouraging women, genderqueer, and non-binary students in tech and computing. The event on August 25th will feature a National AiC Educator Award panel and Q&A, as well as a celebratory video recognizing the 107 Affiliate Educator Award Winners and Honorable Mentions. Congrats Bobbie!!

Offices will be closed Wed.-Fri. July 27th-29th as the lobby will be waxed. We will be back in the building on Monday, August 1st!

We will be having our annual back-to-school sports meeting Monday August 1st at 7:00 p.m. in the Warner Arena. This meeting is for students who are in grades 6-12 and are interested in participating in co-curricular sport activities and their parents. Parents are expected to attend. It is very important for you, your children and the program that you are in attendance. Here are some of the things we will be dealing with: Collection of the needed forms, locker room assignments, physicals, and other topics.
We will also be doing our IMPACT Concussion testing on July 21st (8:00 AM - 10:00 AM) , 27th (8:15 - 10:15 AM) and 28th (8:00 AM - 10:00 AM). July 21st will be for all BOYS 6-12 interested in participating in extra-curricular activities and July 27th will be for all GIRLS 6-12, with the 28th being a makeup day. Testing will be held in Room 413. Please make every effort to have your son/daughter at the school at this time. It is now a requirement that ALL our athletes take this test BEFORE they are allowed to participate. If you are unable to attend, please contact me at tyler.severson@k12.sd.us to arrange another time.
Please make every effort to be at this meeting. It is important to get the new school year off to a good start. We are looking forward to another exciting year. You can contact the activity coaches if you have any questions or Tyler Severson at tyler.severson@k12.sd.us

Concussion Testing tomorrow (Thursday) for boys 6th-12th grade starting at 8:00 a.m.! This will be held in Room 413.

We will be having a Back to School BBQ/Open House on Monday, August 22nd from 5:00-7:00 p.m. If you are going to be in 1st Grade - 12th Grade, please come on over to the school and enjoy supper, get your Family Packet which will have all the forms/calendars/schedules you need, and bring your school supplies to your room/lockers! If you are going to be in JK or K, please still come eat and see us! But you will bring your supplies at your scheduled time.

The Warner School and Community Library Summer Reading ended on Tuesday with Jason Jung and Will Rozell from the Warner Fire Department giving a talk on fire safety and what to do in case of a fire. Allison Ray talked to the children about water safety. The children enjoyed a light lunch following the talks. Thank you to BankNorth for providing the hotdogs and buns, Jeff Eisenbeisz for the food trays, and Sue Neiger for the delicious ocean theme cookies. A special thank you to all the parents who shared their children with us this summer. I would also like to thank some amazing helpers-Iley Ryckman, Allison Ray, Courtney Leidholt, Lilly Meehan, Brynn Hill, and Miah Leidholt.

Here is the Warner School Supply List! These are also available at the stores in Aberdeen.

Mark your calendars (again)! Grades 6-12 Concussion Testing: Boys Thur., July 21st at 8:00 a.m. after workouts. Girls Wed., July 27th at 8:15 a.m. after open gym. Make-up date: Thursday, July 28th starting at 8:00 a.m.
ALL STUDENT ATHLETES need concussion testing before the first day of practice in August. Students involved in Winter & Spring sports only will need to complete testing now as well.

Thanks to Helms & Associates for sending us a few pictures from above the athletic complex! We are patiently awaiting the delivery of the turf!

Mark your calendars! The Warner School Fall Sports Meeting will be held on Monday, August 1st at 7:00 p.m. in the Arena. Please plan on attending with your student athlete if they are participating in Cross Country (Grades 6-12), Football (Grades 7-12), or Volleyball (Grades 6-12).

The children enjoyed shark cupcakes and lemonade at the Summer Reading program in the library today.

Today was the Kick-off to our Summer Reading with a Hawaiian part at the Warner School and Community Library. We had races, games and limbo. Feel free to join us next week at 10:30 for Storytime for preschool, Craft time for older children.