Congratulations to this week's Student of the Week award winners!

Good luck to the Warner Monarch Football team as they head to Hayti tonight to take on the Hamlin Chargers. Kickoff is scheduled for 7:00 PM tonight. The Hamlin Football-Track Complex is located at:
310 5th St.
Hayti, SD 57241
Admission is $3.00 for students and $5.00 for adults. If you are unable to make it tonight, the game will be livestreamed at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa6zkbpLWyiQTccrs6TWKAg/live
Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!

October Calendar!

Good luck to the Warner Monarch Volleyball Team as they take on the Herried-Selby Wolverines tonght. The games will be set in Selby, with 7th and C playing at 5:15, 8th and JV at 6:30, with Varsity to follow.
There will be no livestream available tonight. If issues get resolved, the link will be posted.
Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!

Today both the Warner Middle School and Warner High School Marching Bands will be participating in the Roncalli Marching Festival. The Route will be on 15th Ave. NW. If you are unable to make it, the event will be livestreamed at https://portal.stretchinternet.com/hubcityroncalli/

Good luck to the Warner Monarch volleyball team as they head to Aberdeen to take on the Roncalli Cavaliers. 7th Grade and C Team will start play at 5:00, 8th Grade and JV at 6:00, with Varsity to follow. All games will be held at Roncalli High School. Admission is $5.00 for adults, and $3.00 for students. If you are unable to make it, the game will be livestreamed at https://www.aberdeenroncalli.org/activities-athletics/livestream
Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!

It will be a busy day at Matchbox volleyball tomorrow in Aberdeen as Warner will have three JH teams participating in a tournament. Admission is $7.00 for adults, and $3.00 for students. Livestream is available at www.matchboxrec.com/live
Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!

Good luck to the Warner Monarch Volleyball team as they participate in the Sanford Pentagon Invitational Volleyball Tournament today. Their first match will be at 8:00 AM vs Sioux Falls Christian. Their second match will be at 11:45 AM vs. Huron. These two games will be pool play, and their schedule after will depend on how these two go.
Admission is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for students. If you are unable to make it, the games will be livestreamed at https://portal.stretchinternet.com/sanfordpentagon/ (there is a fee of $7.95 to watch the stream).
Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!

2 for 1 Special!!! Let's celebrate last weeks AND this weeks Student of the Week. Congratulations!

Parent-Teacher Conference links below are live! More details are found on the Warner school app and in the morning announcements.
Elementary Conference link: https://monarchs-elem.youcanbook.me/
MS/HS Conference link: https://monarchs.youcanbook.me/
NO SCHOOL for students Oct. 5th or 6th

Next week's activities!

Thursday's Act of Kindness was to thank Glen for all that he does around the school. There were a lot of Thank You cards on his door by the end of the day! He appreciates all the cards. We appreciate you Glen!

Good luck to the Warner Monarch Football team as they will face off against the Faulkton Trojans in a LRC Football Matchup. This game is the second game tonight of the Lake Region Conference Football Classic. The first game will be Northwestern vs. Waverly-South Shore, with kickoff being at 5:00 PM. The second matchup will be Warner vs. Faulkton (kickoff will be 10-20 minutes after the first game). Tomorrow at 1:00, it will be Leola-Frederick vs. Ipswich.
All games will be located on the campus of Northern State University, at Dacotah Bank Stadium.
Cost of admission is $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for students (good for both games on Friday). Passes will not be accepted. If you are unable to make it tonight, the game will be broadcasted by Hub City Radio on KSDN 930 AM as well as 102.1 FM. A livestream will be available at hubcityradio.com.
Along with the football game, both the Warner Monarch and Faulkton Trojan Pep Bands will also be performing.
Have a great weekend. Good luck and GO MONARCHS!!!!

The JH volleyball games at Trinity for tonight have been cancelled. There will be JH volleyball practice right after school.

Good Luck to our CC team as they head to Faulkton today! Run Fast! Go Monarchs!

Good luck to the Warner Monarch Junior High Football team as they host Hitchcock-Tulare tonight at 6:00. The game will be livestreamed at https://www.warner.k12.sd.us/

The Warner Monarch Football team will be on the road tonight as they travel to Castlewood to face the Warriors in Class 9A action. Kickoff is scheduled for 7:00 PM. At this time, there is no radio broadcast or livestream, but we will update if any option is brought forward.

We will be holding our annual "Pink Out" night during our volleyball game with Faulkton on October 12th. If you would like to order a shirt, please use the link below. It closes at the end of the day on Sunday, September 24th. ALL money raised during Pink Out is given to local people throughout the year that are dealing with cancer.

Please see the messages below from Roncalli regarding their fundraiser for the Murano family during the volleyball game on Tuesday, September 26th.
We are so honored to help a local family who has been going through a very scary time right now - The Murano family found out recently their youngest, Charlie, has a rare form of cancer in his brain and spine. On Tuesday, September 26 at our home volleyball game against Warner we will be collecting a free will offering and proceeds from the tailgate will be given to the family to help offset the many, many medical bills and expenses they have. Abby Murano coached volleyball in Warner for several years, so we thought this would be the perfect time to come together for a great cause!
In addition - below is the link for t-shirts through QQP that also help benefit the family. The order deadline is SEPTEMBER 15, so don't wait to order if you'd like one! Wear the t-shirts that night OR wear gold to help raise awareness for childhood cancer! 💛💛💛
Charlie’s GoFundMe - https://gofund.me/d203bfa5

Please join us tonight as your Warner Monarchs host the Ipswich Tigers in Lake Region Conference Volleyball Action.
The Junior High will be playing in the old gym. 7th Grade will begin play at 5:15, and be followed by the 8th graders at approxiately 6:30.
In the Warner Arena, the C team will begin at 5:15, followed by JV at approximately 6:30, with Varsity to follow. If you are unable to join us, the games will be livestreamed at https://www.warner.k12.sd.us/
Have a great night! GO MONARCHS!!!!