Here is the Weekly Update for next week!

M-O-N-A-R-C-H-S, Monarchs, Monarchs are the BEST!! It's spirit day around the school as the kids prepare for the Homecoming parade and the FB game tonight! Show your Monarch Spirit at the Homecoming Parade starting at 1:30 on Main Street. The FB game with Potter County starts at 7:00 p.m. Just a reminder that there will be no entry fee to the game as we will only be accepting donations for the Hartung Family from Hoven. The game will be live streamed...go to www.warner.k12.sd.us and click on Live Stream in top right corner. LET'S GO BLUE!!!!

The Monarchs Volleyball teams have their first home match of the season tonight against Northwestern. JH games start at 5:15 in the Warner Gym. C game at 5:15, JV at 6:30, Varsity to follow all in the Warner Arena. EVERYONE needs to enter through Door #16 (at the Arena). If you are unable to make the games, you can watch for free through our Livestream. Go to our website at www.warner.k12.sd.us and click on the Live Stream link. Let's Go Blue!!!

Today the preschoolers visited the library for the 1st time. They enjoyed the book "Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" and making the art project. Thank you to my 5th grade helpers for assisting with the project.

Good morning Monarchs! We will have donation buckets at the entrance of the football game Friday night for the Hartung Family. For those of you that may not know, the Hartung's live in Hoven and their 14 year old son, Jaxon, is going through cancer treatments at the Mayo Clinic. Jaxon has cousins that attend Warner.
We have been contacted by some awesome members of our community that want to help. There will be a group that is covering all of the admission so any money at the gate will be able to go in the donation buckets. We also have Dial-A-Move and Aldersgate Church each matching all donations up to $1,000.00. Thank you for helping in any way you can!!!

Congratulations to Zane Baum and Ava Nilsson on being voted as our Homecoming King and Queen by their peers! Also, congrats to Hunter Cramer, Tristan Gosch, Alex Pudwill, Brodey Sauerwein, Lauren Marcuson, Nevaeh Lesnar, Cassidy Hardie, and Courtney Bjorgaard for being voted into the Royalty Court by their class.

Cross Country Meet in Hoven today is CANCELLED.

We've been talking about steady beat in Junior Kindergarten Music. Today we got to play the big drums! :)

Good luck to the Warner Monarch Volleyball team as they head to Miller to take on the Rustlers. The 7th grade will play at 4:15 in the Elementary Gym, and will be followed by the 8th Grade. C Team will begin play at 5:15, and will be followed by the JV and Varsity. The High School games will take place in the armory. Games in the Armory will be streamed through the LiveTicket platform at Rustlers.Live
Good luck! GO MONARCHS!!!!

It's Homecoming Week! Please join us in the Warner Gym during Coronation tonight. Coronation will take place at 8:00 PM, and will be followed by the burning of the W! The Homecoming Court is Courtney Bjorgaard, Cassidy Hardie, Nevaeh Lesnar, Lauren Marcuson, and Ava Nilsson for girls. The boys include Zane Baum, Hunter Cramer, Tristan Gosch, Alex Pudwill, and Brodey Sauerwein.
The theme for this years Homecoming is Disney. The parade on Friday will be at 1:30. If you are interested in putting a float in the parade, please reach out to Mr. Severson at tyler.severson@k12.sd.us

Good luck to the Warner Monarch Volleyball C Team as they will participate in a tournament at Matchbox in Aberdeen. Admission is $7.00 for adults, and $3.00 for students. Warner will play Northwestern Gold at 9:00 AM, Leola-Frederick at 10:00 AM, Aberdeen Christian at 12:00, and Northwestern Green at 1:00. Livestream is available at www.matchboxrec.com/live

Begin your Labor Day weekend with the Warner Monarch Football Team as they travel to Ipswich to take on the Tigers in a Lake Region Conference matchup. Kickoff is scheduled for 7:00 PM. If you are unable to make it, the game will be livestreamed on the Ipswich Public School Activites youtube page, as well as broadcasted on KSDN with Ryan Martin doing play by play. It may not hurt to bring some mosquito spray along as well if you do plan on making the trip to Ipswich.
Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!

Weekly Update for next week! Homecoming Week is upon us!!

Good luck to the Warner Monarch Volleyball team as they head to Frederick to take on the Leola-Frederick Titans. The schedule will be as follows:
4:00PM - 7th Grade
4:45PM - 8th Grade
5:30PM - C Team
6:30PM - Junior Varsity
Varsity to Follow
If you are unable to make it tonight, the livestream will be available at https://www.youtube.com/@frederickareatitanslive1152
Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!

Hello Warner community, my name is Morgan Haselhorst, a senior at Warner. During homecoming this year, I want to raise awareness and collect donations for the Safe Harbor shelter in Aberdeen. Safe Harbor is a shelter for men, women, or children who need a place to stay that have been abused or experienced domestic violence.
Why this organization? I learned more about what Safe Harbor does this summer when some of my classmates and I attended Service Leadership Academy through Humanity Launch, a leadership promoting organization based out of Sioux Falls. During this camp, we had the opportunity to talk to people who ran different organizations. We then talked to an organization in Sioux Falls who runs a facility similar to Safe Harbor. They told us how prevalent issues like human trafficking and domestic violence are in South Dakota and even in Aberdeen. During camp, my classmates and I came up with the idea to do a drive to collect donations of products they need.
What they need:
• women's shampoo
• toilet paper
• paper towels
• tampons
• Garbage bags (13 gallon)
• Baby wipes
• Twin- or full-size bedding sets (not queen)
• Size 6 diapers
And much more
They have a list of what they need on their website. They also have an amazon wish list on their Facebook page that has exact things they would like. You can find their site by searching Safe Harbor Aberdeen, SD on Google or on Facebook.
How this will work: During the week of homecoming, starting coronation night, September 4th at 8 p.m., the community can bring their donations and drop them off in a box in the school entry way. Throughout the week community members and students can drop off their donations in the entry way on their way into school. There will also be a box by the arena on the way into the volleyball game vs Northwestern on September 7th to drop off donations. The donations will then be taken to Safe Harbor on Monday following homecoming.

Good luck to the Warner Monarch Cross Country team as they head to Redfield to participate in the Redfield Pheasants XC Invite.
The schedule is as follows:
Girls Varsity 5000m (Small loop, followed by 2 big loops)
Boys Varsity 5000m (Small loop, followed by 2 big loops)
Girls JV 3000m (Small loop, big loop)
Boys JV 3000m (Small loop, big loop)
Girls/Boys MS 2000m (Grades 6-8) (1 big loop)
The first race will be scheduled for 10:00 AM.
Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!

The students have been enjoying the new playground equipment. It has lots of activities to do on it. Thank you so much for this fun equipment.

Good luck to the Warner Monarch Volleyball team as they head to Webster today to take on the Bearcats. The 7th Grade and C Team will begin play at 5:00. The 8th Grade and JV will play at 6:00, and will be followed by the Varsity. All games will be played at the Armory in Webster.
If you are unable to make it tonight, the games will be livestreamed at bearcats.tv
Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!

The Warner Monarch JV Football team will be taking on the Faulkton Trojans today at 5:30 here in Warner. There is no admission for this game. If you are unable to make it, the game will be livestreamed at https://www.warner.k12.sd.us/
Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!

The Warner Monarch Volleyball team will head to Wolsey today to take on the Warbirds of Wolsey-Wessington. There will be a full slate of Volleyball! The 8th graders will play at 4:00, the C Team and 7th Grade will play at 5:00, with JV at 6:00, followed by the Varsity.
Livestream will be available at http://warbirds.liveticket.tv/ or The Wolsey-Wessington YouTube Channel
Good luck! GO MONARCHS!!!!