Today will be the Junior High Volleyball Jamboree. Both gyms will be occupied and have games being played. Games will begin at 9:00 AM. Admission will be $5.00 for adults/$3.00 for students. We will honor Warner passes to get in. The only entry in is through the Warner Arena.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
JH Jamboree
Congratulations to the Student of the Week winners!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Johnson
students with certificates
Your Warner Monarch Football Team travels to Mellette tonight to take on the Northwestern Wildcasts in 9A Football action. Kickoff is scheduled for 7:00 PM. This will be the last regular season football game. If you are unable to attend, the game will be broadcasted on the NFHS Network, as well as on Facebook on the Northwestern Journalism page. The Junior High team will play before hand beginning at 5:00. GO MONARCHS!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Update for next week!
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Reminder…Don’t miss out on your Playoff Football Shirts!!! Deadline is Today at 11:30 AM!! Use the link below to get yours!!
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Your Warner Monarchs Volleyball Team is back in action tonight as they head to Faulkton to take on the Trojans. 7th Grade will begin at 4:30, with 8th grade following. JV will begin at 6:30, and the Varsity will follow that game. It is also Pink Out night in Faulkton, so just like this past Tuesday night, wear your pink gear! If you are unable to make it tonight, the game will be livestreamed on or on Venture Cable Channel 383. Good luck and GO MONARCHS!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Warner Parents and Community, we have made a change to the November Calendar and extended Thanksgiving break for students. Wednesday, Nov 23, 2022 will now be an in-service day for staff and No School for students. We will update the November Calendar before we send it home with students and publish it online later this month.
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
On Tuesday the preschool children enjoyed Storytime with the story Otis and the Scarecrow, a fingerplay and craft. Our next Storytime will be held on Tuesday, October 25 at 9:30am in the Warner School Library. All preschoolers are welcome to attend.
over 2 years ago, Marilyn Bender
Good luck to the Warner Monarch Cross Country Team as they head to Webster to compete in the Region 1B Cross Country Meet. The meet will take place at the Webster Golf Course, with races beginning at 1:00 PM. The race order will be as follows: Varsity Girls (5000 M), Varsity Boys (5000 M), JV Boys and Girls (3000 M). Awards ceremony will be held at 2:45 either off the clubhouse deck or in the gym depending on weather. Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Last Thursday the 59 students enjoyed their 1st AR ice cream party for reaching their AR Library Goals. Great Job Students.
over 2 years ago, Marilyn Bender
party 2
party 3
Thank you to Cole Neiger and his grandmother, Sue Neiger for the awesome fishing books. The kids will be thrilled to read these.
over 2 years ago, Marilyn Bender
Cole Neiger
It's PINK OUT NIGHT at the Warner Arena. Your Warner Monarchs will host the Redfield Pheasants in volleyball action. The games will begin at 5:15 with the 7th grade playing in the old gym, and the C Team in the Warner Arena. The 8th grade and JV will play at 6:30 (8th old gym/JV Warner Arena) and the Varsity will follow the JV. There will also be an Arbys meal as well. We hope you can join us, but if not, the game will be livestreamed at GO MONARCHS!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
We are ordering football playoff shirts/sweatshirts!! Due to the short turnaround time, orders must be made by 11:30 AM, FRIDAY, October 14th. Use the link below to order. Go Monarchs!!
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
The Marching Monarchs will be marching today in the Gypsy Day Parade. The parade will start at 9:00 AM, and will be along Main Street in Aberdeen as always. Your Marching Monarchs will be the 120th entry in the parade.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Good luck to the Warner Monarch Football Team as they host the Redhawks of Estelline/Hendricks. The game will be played at 7:00. We hope you can join us for the game, but if not the game will be livestreamed at Have a great day, and GO MONARCHS!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
The Marching Monarchs will be visiting Chester today to take part in the Lake Area Festival of Bands. At 10:00 AM, the parade will start, with awards taking place after at 12:00. The parade of bands will proceed south on 2nd Ave. The Pep Band will also be playing tonight at the football game. GO MARCHING MONARCHS!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Free online tutoring is now available to K–12 students in South Dakota through the Dakota Dreams Online Tutoring Program. To learn more and register, click the link: #DakotaDreams #FreeOnlineTutoring #CollegeAndBeyond This opportunity is being administered by the South Dakota Board of Regents with federalndollars available to the South Dakota Department of Education through the American Rescue Plan.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Update for next week
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
weekly update
Good luck to the Cross Country team as they head to Ipswich for the Lake Region Conference Meet. The meet will be held at Split Rock Country Club. Races will start at 12:30 today, and will be a rolling schedule. The order of races will go as follows: Varsity Girls (5000 M), Varsity Boys (5000 M), JV Girls (4000 M), JV Boys (4000 M), MS Girls (3000 M), MS Boys (3000 M). GO MONARCHS!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Join us tonight as your Warner Monarchs will host the Hitchcock-Tulare Lady Patriots in Volleyball. All the games tonight will be played in the Warner Arena, beginning with Junior High at 5:15, JV at 6:30, with Varsity to follow. If you are unable to join us, as always the games will be livestreamed on Have a great day! GO MONARCHS!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson