Schedule for the LRC CC Meet on Wednesday
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Update for next week!
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Weekly Update
October Calendar!
over 2 years ago, Pam Lane
ITS HOMECOMING DAY! It will be a busy day here at the school. We will kick things off with a Pep Rally at 8:30. The parade will begin at 1:30. Tonight at 7:00 your Warner Monarchs will host the Hamlin Chargers in the Homecoming football game. If you are unable to join us, the game will be livestreamed at HAPPY HOMECOMING AND GO MONARCHS!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
The elementary kids were busy reading during September and earned themselves a celebration on the turf today. A lot of fun for the kids! Great idea Mrs. Vaughn and Mrs. Ochsner!!!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Johnson
kids in a line playing
young child with a hula hoop
kids on a field
Homecoming week continues as your Warner Monarchs host Herried-Selby Area Lady Wolverines in a Class B Volleyball matchup. In the old gym will be junior high, with 7th grade starting at 5:15 and 8th Grade at 6:30. In the Warner Arena, C Team will start at 5:15, JV 6:30, with Varsity to follow. We hope you can join us, but if not, the livestream is availbe at Remember, the only way to attend and watch the volleyball matches is to enter through the lobby of Warner Arena. Entering and letting others in through the front doors of the school is prohibited. PINK OUT This year’s Pink Out fundraiser volleyball match will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 11 vs. Redfield. The meal will be Arby’s Roast Beef Sandwiches, chips, bars, apples and caramel dip and pink lemonade.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
The Marching Monarchs will be heading to Aberdeen today to march in the Roncalli Marching Band Festival. The route will be on 15th Avenue NE, from N. Lincoln Street to N. Dakota Street. If you are unable to make it, attached is the link for the livestream: GO MARCHING MONARCHS!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Don't forget to bid tonight!!!! As the days continue to get shorter and shorter with daylight, the Cross Country Team is doing a fundraiser to help purchase items needed to keep our kids safe and healthy with all the early mornings runs. We would like you to consider helping us out with our current fundraising idea by bidding on a Senior Dad as they race around the track on Homecoming Night! 8 senior dads have stepped up and took one for the team and agreed to run, so here is your chance to step up as well. On Tuesday night during the Volleyball game with Roncalli you can bid on a Dad of your choice who you think will win the race. Again the race will be on Homecoming Football night underneath the lights at half-time. The winner who bids the highest on the winning dad will win half of the money collected. The dads that you can bid on will be as follows: Kevin Anderson, Ryan Dulany, Chad Fischbach, Brian Hoeft, Levi Jensen, Tyler Schuhart, Wyatt Scepaniak, & Dan Wood.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Come join us tonight at Warner Areana as your Warner Monarchs take on Aberdeen Roncalli Lady Cavaliers in Volleyball. Both JH games will be in the old gym, with 7th playing at 5:15 and 8th at 6:30. In the Warner Arena, the C Team will play at 5:15, JV 6:30, with Varsity to follow. We hope you can join as we continue to celebrate and enjoy homecoming festivities. If you are unable to make it, the livestream will be at During the games tonight, there will be a table set up with a silent auction. Bid on a senior-dad that will be running Friday night at halftime of the football game! This is a funraiser that is being put on by the Cross Country Team. GO MONARCHS!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Homecoming Coronation Congratulations to our Homecoming Queen, Kiah Koch and Homecoming King, Levi Scepaniak!! Go Monarchs!!
over 2 years ago, Pam Lane
As the days continue to get shorter and shorter with daylight, the Cross Country Team is doing a fundraiser to help purchase items needed to keep our kids safe and healthy with all the early mornings runs. We would like you to consider helping us out with our current fundraising idea by bidding on a Senior Dad as they race around the track on Homecoming Night! 8 senior dads have stepped up and took one for the team and agreed to run, so here is your chance to step up as well. On Tuesday night during the Volleyball game with Roncalli you can bid on a Dad of your choice who you think will win the race. Again the race will be on Homecoming Football night underneath the lights at half-time. The winner who bids the highest on the winning dad will win half of the money collected. The dads that you can bid on will be as follows: Kevin Anderson, Ryan Dulany, Chad Fischbach, Brian Hoeft, Levi Jensen, Tyler Schuhart, Wyatt Scepaniak, & Dan Wood.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Join us tonight at 7:00 in the old gym for Coronation. Tonight we will crown our 2022 Homecoming King and Queen.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Good luck to the Junior High Football team as they head to Doland to play in the Patriot Junior High Football Jamboree. They will play Hitchcock-Tulare @ 4:00, Iroquois/Lake Preston @ 4:40, and Wolsey/Wessington @ 5:20.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Good luck to the Cross Country team as they head to Miller to participate Miller Invitational Cross Country Meet. Races will start at 2:00 with a rolling schedule. Race order is as follows: Varsity Girls (5000 M), Varsity Boys (5000 M), JV Girls (4000 M), JV Boys (4000 M), Middle School Girls (3000 M), Middle School Boys (3000 M).
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Shirts can be ordered only through Monday morning at 8:55!!! Pink Out will be held at the volleyball game on Tuesday, October 11th. Support the cause…order a shirt!! Store closes on September 26th at 8:55 a.m.
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
The Warner Monarch volleyball team will head to Sioux Falls today to play at the Pentagon. The first game will be at 2:30 vs. Tea. At 3:30, your Monarchs will take on Brandon Valley. The 4:30 and 5:30 matchups will be determined after the first two matchups. If you are unable to make it, there will be a livestream at which will cost $7.95. Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
The Glen Palmer pumpkin patch was harvested today. The Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten and 3rd graders harvested 74 pumpkins! Thank you to the community and school for allowing our classes to have the pumpkin patch.
over 2 years ago, Shannon Evans
Junior Kindergarten
3rd  Grade
Congratulations to this weeks student of the week award winners!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Johnson
students with awards
Join us tonight at Dacotah Bank Stadium on the campus of Northern State University as your Warner Monarchs will play the Faulkton Trojans. The Monarch and Trojan matchup will be the second game of the night, as Northwestern and Langford will kickoff at 5:00 pm. The Warner Monarch game will kick off half hour after the first game. Both Pep Bands from Warner and Faulkton will be providing music at tonight's game! LRC and Warner passes will not work. Cost for games will be $7.00/adults and $5.00/students. These tickets will be good for both games. If you are unable to make it, the game will be livestreamed at GO MONARCHS!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Severson
Lots of activities next week with Homecoming!!
over 2 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Weekly Update