Good luck to our track teams as they head to Sisseton and Sioux Falls today. Go Monarchs!!
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Weekly Update for next week
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Weekly Update
Seniors lunch pick today! It consisted of Chicken Alfredo, tator tots, garlic toast, strawberries, chocolate chip cookies, and chocolate milk. Thanks Missy and the cooks for accommodating them with their favorites!
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
seniors 2
seniors 1
Schedule of Events for the JH Track Meet in Redfield Thursday.
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Thursday Meet
Here is the schedule of events for Sisseton on Friday. Please note the TIME CHANGE!
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Sisseton Track Meet
Our Monarch Track teams are headed to Milbank today for the Valley Queen Invitational Track Meet. Field events will start at 1:00 followed by running events at 2:00. Go Monarchs!!
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
One Act Play Awardees
almost 3 years ago, Bobbie Deuter
Congratulations to the NCWIT Awardees.
almost 3 years ago, Bobbie Deuter
Honorable Mention
National Awardees
Rising Stars
Band Awardees
almost 3 years ago, Bobbie Deuter
4 Year Awards
4 year Awards
Contest Awards
Contest Awards
Peyton J. Outstanding Senior Athlete
almost 3 years ago, Bobbie Deuter
Peyton J.
Congratulations to all awardees.
almost 3 years ago, Bobbie Deuter
Spirit of a Monarch Award
Honor Graduate
Graduation Escorts
High Honor Graduates
Science Awards
almost 3 years ago, Bobbie Deuter
Science Fair Participant
1st Place Regional Science Fair
Computer Scholarship Winner
Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Winners
Science Awards
almost 3 years ago, Bobbie Deuter
2nd Place
Junior Division Science Bowl
Senior Division Science Bowl 1st Place
Honorable Mention Team
Schedule of Events for Tuesday track in Milbank!
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Milbank Track
Here is the schedule of events for the JH track meet that will be held in IPSWICH today (Please note venue change from Roncalli due to wet conditions)
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
JH Track at Ipswich
Weekly Update for next week
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Weekly Update
Kite Day has been postponed to Sunday, May 29th. Hopefully, the weather will be beautiful to fly kites on the 29th!!
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
The JH track meet scheduled in Aberdeen on Monday May 2nd has been moved to Ipswich. Running events and field events will start at 4:00. Go Monarchs!!
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Due to the forecasted weather, the track meet in Gettysburg on Saturday April 30th has been canceled.
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
May Calendar
almost 3 years ago, Pam Lane