Todays JH Track meet in Ipswich will start at 2:30 instead of 3:00. Some other reminders for the next week.
High School Concert tonight 7:00 Warner Arena
Middle School Concert Friday April 29th 7:00 Warner Arena
High School Track Meet Saturday April 30th in Gettysburg 10:00 a.m.
JH Track Monday May 2nd at Aberdeen Roncalli 3:30
High School Awards Night Monday May 2nd 6:00 Warner Arena

Schedule of Events for Thursday in Ipswich!

2022 Groton Area Rob Luecke Invitational Track Meet
Schedule of Events
Field Events: 11:30 AM
Girls Shot Put Followed by the Boys Shot Put
Boys Discus Followed by the Girls Discus
Girls High Jump Followed by the Boys High Jump
Boys Long Jump Followed by the Girls Long Jump
Girls triple Jump Followed by the Boys triple Jump
Running Events: 12:30 PM
Girls 3200M Relay
Boys 3200M Relay
Girls 100M Hurdles
Boys 110 M Hurdles
Girls 100M Dash
Boys 100M Dash
Girls 800M Relay
Boys 800M Relay
Girls 1600M Run
Boys 1600M Run
Girls 400M Relay
Boys 400M Relay
Girls 400M Dash
Boys 400M Dash
Girls 300M Hurdles
Boys 300M Hurdles
Girls Sprint Medley Relay
Boys Sprint Medley Relay
Girls 800M Run
Boys 800M Run
Girls 200M Dash
Boys 200M Dash
Girls 3200M Run
Boys 3200M Run
Flame Thrower Relay 400M Relay Shot Put/Discus Throwers 2 Girls/2 Boys
Girls 1600M Relay
Boys 1600M Relay

Get your act together for the end of the year Elementary School Talent Show! Auditions will be held the week of: May 9-12, before school, after school, during class, or by appointment, with Mrs. Barkmeier! Show will be held on Wednesday, May 18th at 1:30 p.m. Break a leg, everyone!

The JH track meet scheduled for tomorrow in Ipswich has been postponed. The meet has been rescheduled for Thursday April 28th. Field events will start at 3:00 and running events at 4:00. Go Monarchs!!!

Student of the week winners!

Weekly Update for next week!

The Elementary School Concert is Thursday, May 5th at 7:00 p.m. Students will meet in the arena at 6:45 p.m. Prelude music begins at approximately 6:50 with the 4th grade recorder ensemble. We are presenting a musical! What to wear for costumes:
1st-cowboy/girl attire
2nd-colorful, fun, “boogie-woogie” clothing
3rd-workwear for “chores”
4th-black, grey, or other athletic pants, leggings or sweats and tennis shoes, t-shirt. Students will put on their (provided) Warner football jerseys when they arrive in the arena. PLEASE BRING YOUR RECORDER & MUSIC!!
4th/5th cheer-arrive in your cheer uniform.
5th-pajamas or lounge/comfy clothes

Here is the schedule of events for the High School track meet in Redfield on Thursday.

Our Elementary Spring Concert will be held Thursday, May 5 in the Warner Arena

Here is the schedule for the JH Track Meet Thursday, April 21st. Cross your fingers (and toes!) that the weather cooperates!

Due to the cold windy weather forecasted for tomorrow. The Warner Track meet scheduled for Tuesday April 19, has been canceled.

Weekly Update for next week. Have a great weekend!

Due to the weather there will be no varsity track meet tomorrow. The JH meet in Gettysburg scheduled for Thursday April 14th is also canceled. There will be practice both days.

Here is the information on the summer reading program!

First graders had a lot of fun with the Hour of Code challenge today. First time coding. Super job working through some tough lessons. Way to go!

Congratulations to your student of the week winners!

Congratulations to Bobbie Deuter, a 2022 NCWIT Aspirations in Computing (AiC) Educator Award recipient! Bobbie Deuter was selected from more than 138 applicants from 43 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and Canada. The AiC Educator Award identifies exemplary formal and informal educators who play a pivotal role in encouraging 9th-12th grade women to explore their interest in computing and technology.

Weekly Update for next week!

The Warner Coding Club is selling shirts. The store is set to close at 11:55pm on Sunday, April 17th.
Thank you in advance for supporting our club.