Due to the weather, there will be no track meet tomorrow for our varsity track teams. The JH track meet in Warner on Friday has been canceled as well. Go Monarchs!!
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Due to the weather the track meet scheduled in Ipswich tomorrow has been cancelled. Weather permitting, the potential is high that the track teams attend another meet on Thursday with the location TBD. Be watching for updates. As of now, the JH track meet in Warner on Friday is still on. Go Monarchs!!!
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Congratulations to the student of the week winners!
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Johnson
smiling elementary kids
Please read the attached letter regarding free meals for next school year.
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
USDA Memo - Lunches
Congrats to the following students who competed at the NSU Science Fair Thursday: Junior Division-Summer Huettl (2nd Place), Iley Ryckman & Alexandria Bunke (Honorable Mentions) Senior Division-Dillon Browning (1st Place), Mikayla Browning & Madsyn Kusekoski (Honorable Mentions)
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Weekly Update for next week
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Weekly Update
The 2nd and 4th grade teachers got to prank their students this morning! They received Brown "E's"...Happy April Fools Day!
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Here is the April Calendar!
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
April Calendar
Congrats to our Science Bowl students! The Junior Division got 3rd and the Senior Division brought home 1st!
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
junior division
senior division
THINK SPRING!!! The Warner/Northwestern varsity wrestling team is doing a spring fundraiser!! Get your summer sandals and show your Monarch pride. Please send your order forms and payment to the school in care of Mrs. Cavalier, delivery will be the first part of May. Sandals are available at Mrs. Lane’s office to try on. Just to give you an idea on sizing, a few FEMALE staff tried sandals on for us. A staff that wears 5.5/6 was most comfortable in a small, a staff that wears a size 7 was most comfortable in a size small…medium on this staff gave her a bit more toe and heal room, a staff that wears a size 8.5 was most comfortable in a size medium, and a staff that wears a size 9.5/10 was most comfortable in a large. A picture of the sandals is on the attached order form. Any questions please contact Kayla Cavalier (605)216-8020 or by email kayla.cavalier@k12.sd.us, thank you for your support. GO MONARCHS!
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Pre-Order your 2021-2022 Yearbook! Orders can be made online at Jostens.com or you can complete the attached form and mail it back to the school. (Seniors do not need to order a yearbook unless you want more than one book.) All orders are due the last day of school, May 19th.
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Yearbook Order Form
The Warner track teams are headed to Aberdeen today for an indoor track meet at NSU. Field events start at 3:00 and running events start at 4:30. Good Luck to all our track participants!! Go Monarchs!!
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Here is the schedule for the Track Meet at NSU on Tuesday
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
nsu meet
Thank you to Darren Tipton and Leading Edge Fundraising for the new Junior High Volleyball Jerseys. @LEfundraising
almost 3 years ago, Bobbie Deuter
Congratulations to the student of the week winners!
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Johnson
students with awards
Rachel’s Challenge is putting on a Father/Daughter Dance on Sunday, April 10th in the gym. Ages 5th grade and younger are invited to attend. There is no cost but they will be accepting donations.
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Weekly Update for next week!
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Weekly Update
Come fly a kite!!!!
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
Kite Day
Warner School and Community Library News I am working on the Summer Reading Program. This year the Summer Reading will be held at the Warner Library on Tuesday mornings at 10 am with a Make and Take Art Project. I am ordering art supplies and would like to have an idea of how many children plan to attend. If you are planning on having your child participate in the Summer Reading, please email me at marilyn.bender@k12.sd.us. This is open to all ages. I need old CDs for an art project for the program. You may drop them off or send them with your child to school. The theme this year is “Ocean of Possibilities”. The library is also in need of Lego Duplo blocks. If you have some that your child has outgrown, and you would like to donate them to the Warner School and Community Library it would be greatly appreciated.
almost 3 years ago, Marilyn Bender
Warner Volleyball Shirts are now available! These are the season shirts used for next fall. Orders can only be placed through the link below and are due Sunday, April 10th at 11:55 p.m. Orders will be delivered to the school and passed out from there. https://stores.inksoft.com/warner_monarchs_volleyball/shop/home
almost 3 years ago, Warner School District 6-5
VB Shirt