A few summer reminders: The Gym will be closed starting Monday, June 3rd for the summer as the floor gets re-done. The Arena will stay extra busy because of this, so please make sure to look at the calendar on our website before coming in to use the Arena. Students are welcome to come in to use the Arena during the summer Monday through Thursday during the day. They need to come in through the front entrance and check in at the office before heading down there so we know who is down there and can have the cameras up for liability purposes. They may want to call the school (605-225-6397) and talk to Mrs. Vetter or Mr. Kroll before coming in to make sure it is open. Both gyms will be closed at the end of July for waxing, so please watch the calendar as the dates get closer.
9 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
Attached is information on the youth basketball camp this summer in Warner. The dates are July 22-23. Use the link below to sign up, or scan the QR code. https://forms.gle/Q2NEygbjrPBgMHDj7
9 months ago, Tyler Severson
eyes up
Open gym for Junior High Girls Basketball will begin next Tuesday, and go from 4:00 - 5:30 in the Warner Arena. This will be for girls entering 6th - 8th grades. Open gyms will also be held for JH girls on Fridays from 9:00 - 10:30 AM.
9 months ago, Tyler Severson
This is the last call for Summer Reading Program. The Storytime for children 2yrs of age thru those completing Kindergarten will begin on Tuesday, June 4 at 10:30am in the Warner School Library. The Storytime will be June 4, 11, and 18. There will be a short craft time also. Older adult or student must accompany children to Storytime and craft. We ask that you bring a plastic jar such as a mayo or peanut butter jar cleaned for a craft and 2 toilet paper empty rolls for each child you are bringing. Please do not use the front doors as they will be working in the gym. We are asked to use door #12 which is on the south side of the building. It is located next to the back of the kitchen doors. Library will open at 10am. Children will be able to check out books also. Please contact Mrs. Bender @ marilyn.bender@k12.sd.us if you have any questions.
9 months ago, Marilyn Bender
STUDENT ATHLETES: There is still a lot of items in the locker rooms by the old gym. This includes football pads and other practice football gear, shoes, track stuff, etc. You have until FRIDAY, MAY 31ST to get your stuff cleaned out of the locker rooms.
9 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
Let's go Monarchs! Day one of state track is here. Let's cheer on these Monarchs as they jump far, run fast, and throw far. Go Big Blue!!!!
9 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
Good Luck to our student athletes competing in the State Track Meet in Sioux Falls Thursday-Saturday: Kaydee Mackner, Hunter Cramer, Beckham Cantalope, Kenna Wolberg, Addisyn Heinrich, Reese Holm, Shaye Sauerwein, Alex Pudwill, Payton Volk, Sophia Hoeft, Lauren Marcuson, Makenna Leidholt, Ava Nilsson, Jesiah Baum, Brodey Sauerwein, Gage Broderson, Kyleigh Schopp, Haivyn Schuchhardt, Miah Leidholt, Chays Mansfield, Jordyn Jensen, Courtney Leidholt, Tatum Hanson, and Kennadee Wagner!! We have attached the schedule of events and when our kids are in an event. GO BIG BLUE!!!!
9 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
State Track 1
State Track 2
Please join us tonight at 7:00 PM in the old Warner Gym as we send off the state track participants to the State Track Meet in Sioux Falls. We will also be doing awards from this track season. Athletes who have not turned in uniforms will also be doing that as well. GO MONARCHS!!!!
9 months ago, Tyler Severson
Tomorrow night at 7:00 PM in the old gym we will be doing the Track Awards and send off for the State Track Meet. Please join us in sending off the Warner Monarchs to state track!
10 months ago, Tyler Severson
It is now easier to submit box tops if you shop at Walmart! Watch the video for more information. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q_nYRgYVr4&feature=youtu.be
10 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
State Track t-shirt orders are due by 10am on Monday. Call or text Kayla at 605-377-3235 to order
10 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
state shirts
It's the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!! Just a reminder that we dismiss at 1:30 p.m. today. If your child is riding the Sale Barn Bus, it will be there around 1:45 so plan accordingly. Have a great summer and see you in August!
10 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
This spring we did a walk program on our beautiful track. Children in elementary could choose to walk during their recess. Our goal was to walk to Chicago which was 611 miles. The students chalked up 610 miles. We had 3 students who walked a half marathon. Those students were Mason Royer, Dekker Vosika, and Cameron Schneider. They earned a treat at Twist Cone for their hard work
10 months ago, Marilyn Bender
Good morning! The rainy day track and field schedule will be all indoors today. 1/2 time in the gym and 1/2 time in classrooms/lunchrooms. Parents are still welcome to join but space in classrooms will be limited. Talent show starts at 12:15 and relay races and classroom activities will start at 1:30. Go Monarchs!
10 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
Thank you to everyone who came to the Dial-A-Move Last Chance Track Meet. A big shoutout and thank you to everyone who volunteered their time today to make it a succesful meet. Results are posted below. GO MONARCHS!!!! https://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/meet/560138/results
10 months ago, Tyler Severson
Please join us today for the Dial-A-Move Last Chance Track Meet. Javelin will begin at 10:00 AM, Field Events11:00 AM, and Running Events at 1:00 PM. Admission is $3.00 Students/$5.00 for Adults. Running Schedule 4X800 M Relay 100M Hurdles 110M Hurdles 100M Dash 4X200M Relay 1600 M Run 4X100M Relay 400M Dash 300M Hurdles Medley Relay 800M Run 200M Dash 3200M Run 4X400M Relay *Schedule subject to change due to wind factors Good luck, and GO MONARCHS!!!!
10 months ago, Tyler Severson
See attached poster for information on FREE DONUTS!!
10 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
The Warner Spring Awards for High School will be held tomorrow night in the Warner Arena. The event will begin at 7:00 PM.
10 months ago, Tyler Severson
Weekly Update for this week!
10 months ago, Warner School District 6-5
Thanks to everyone who came to the Warner Monarch Middle School Invitational. Thanks to everyone who helped run an event as well. Link to the results are below. Have a great weekend! https://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/meet/555794/results
10 months ago, Tyler Severson